Wearjoy App Download

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WearJoy is an all-day health monitoring platform that not only helps you track your progress but also records various health data by monitoring your status during exercises. After analyzing all sources of data, the WearJoy app conducts a comprehensive analysis of your body condition, providing you with insights into your health anytime.

With the health and exercise data at your fingertips, you'll be inspired to fall in love with sports and adopt a more active lifestyle.


  • Compatible with
    multiple smart devices

    WearJoy is compatible with a variety of devices, including smartwatches, smart bracelets, and sports watches, and can be used on both Android and iOS systems.

  • Comprehensive assessment
    of users' physical condition

    After making some effective settings in the WearJoy app, DTNO.1 smart devices can monitor users' health, reminding them to maintain good health, while also identifying risks that may affect their physical well-being in advance.

  • AAll-day fitness monitoring
    records every exercise

    WearJoy supports data recording for all sorts of sports such as running, cycling, walking, and so on. The app can provide guidance for sports and the analysis of fitness training, making your exercises more scientific and effective.

  • Rich personal reminders

    The combination of WearJoy and DTNO.1 smart devices can provide users with rich personal reminders such as vibrational alarm clocks, incoming calls, text messages, app notifications, sedentary reminders, and more.

  • Sleep monitoring

    WearJoy gives users an in-depth analysis of various factors affecting sleep quality and offers suggestions for improvement.

  • More fun awaits

    There are more surprises in the app WearJoy waiting for your exploration.

Why WearJoy

  • Highly Functional

    Our app can be customized and has comprehensive functions to meet the diverse and innovative needs of our customers.

  • Strong Competence

    The app is independently developed by DTNO.1, demonstrating the company's strong competence.

  • Broad Expansibility

    The app can be expanded and upgraded as the company develops.

Wear Pro

Interface Demonstration

Here are a few screenshots of the app pages. To experience more functions of the app, please explore it yourself within the app.

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    App Store Google Play App Treasure Application
    • WearJoy is a mobile application with functions such as message reminders, alarm clocks, sedentary/drinking water reminders, exercise step counting, and calories. Now, you can also sync your health data to the Apple Health app to better understand your health status

      * The UI interface is for functional illustration only, please refer to the actual display effect.

      Download Wear Pro ›
    • WearJoy is a mobile application with functions such as message reminders, alarm clocks, sedentary/drinking water reminders, exercise step counting, and calories. Now, you can also sync your health data to the Apple Health app to better understand your health status

      * The UI interface is for functional illustration only, please refer to the actual display effect.

      Download Wear Pro ›
    • WearJoy is a mobile application with functions such as message reminders, alarm clocks, sedentary/drinking water reminders, exercise step counting, and calories. Now, you can also sync your health data to the Apple Health app to better understand your health status

      * The UI interface is for functional illustration only, please refer to the actual display effect.

      Download Wear Pro ›
    • WearJoy is a mobile application with functions such as message reminders, alarm clocks, sedentary/drinking water reminders, exercise step counting, and calories. Now, you can also sync your health data to the Apple Health app to better understand your health status

      * The UI interface is for functional illustration only, please refer to the actual display effect.

      Download Wear Pro ›


    We only intercepted a small part of the interface, more exciting interfaces, please experience it yourself in the APP

    • Mis Mike

      The community shares my every exercise, and I can also recommend it on the homepage. Sign up for online events and move with everyone anytime, anywhere.

    • Mis Mike

      The community shares my every exercise, and I can also recommend it on the homepage. Sign up for online events and move with everyone anytime, anywhere.

    WearJoy is Awesome!
    it’s Free to Download for Everyone

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